Wednesday 20 January 2016

Regained “Newness”

Mr. Joy is the proud owner of a new car. His new car with a sparkling set of new wheels adorns his driveway and is certainly a beauty. The new, shining wheels enhance the appearance of his car. However, the bad news is that although the car looks new for long, the wheels don’t. As soon as Mr. Joy hits his accelerator, holds his clutch and drive down the road, the wheels gather dust and dirt. Thus, playing havoc with the “very-attractive” appearance of his wheels. Although Mr. Joy dusted, cleaned and washed the car every day, it failed to regain the same attractive appearance again.

Care for the Wheels

Most of us, similar to Mr. Joy fail to care for our wheels. How often do you wash your wheels? How often do you opt for alloy wheel repair and maintenance? Do you go to the wheel specialist for rim straightening? Do you take care of the nasty scratches, cracks and dust on your wheels? Mostly not! While you never fail to get rid of the scratches, dust and dents on the car’s body, you often fail to pay the same attention to your wheels. Then, you are only left wondering why your neighbor’s car looks newer than your own; despite you having purchased it later.

The key to long-lasting and attractive looking wheels is regular car, cleaning and repair. The bumps and potholes on the road are unavoidable, and so is the dust. So, just shoo the dust away with soap, water and a brush. Take the car to the specialist for rim straightening, repair and maintenance. And, you will see them sparkling again with life, and enhanced performance.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Wheel Care is Important

Thanks to the unavoidable road conditions of bumps, potholes and more, even the best wheels can get damaged. If your wheels are damaged by road conditions, curb rash or anything else, you need to get alloy wheel repair to fix the damage before it turns into a larger problems. Wheel repair professionals can restore your wheel to factory condition instead of having to spend the money to replace the entire wheel. KwickSilver of Northern New England provides wheel repair services for many types of wheels and saves their customers money.

After a reputable wheel repair service provider like KwickSilver repairs your wheels, you need to make sure you protect them from further damage. Regular maintenance and cleaning is the only way to save your tires from excessive damage, which can otherwise create the need for expensive wheel replacement.

Here are the tips for taking care of your wheels after professional wheel repair services:

•    Keep them clean and get rid of the nasty brake dust and dirt. Use a brush that is not brittle and a detergent which is soft to clean the rims.
•    Say NO to acidic cleaners. They ruin the finish and polish of the rims.
•    If you are using tire finish, avoid petroleum based products. They eventually ruin the finish of your tires.
•    Apply wax on clean tires. Waxing the tires will not only add a shine, but will also protect the tires from the road salts and debris, as they can be washed off easily from waxed tires.
•    Finally, for long lasting and good-looking wheels, take good care of them and wash and clean them regularly.

If you need wheel repair services or are looking for wheel care products to keep your wheels in top shape, contact KwickSilver of Northern New England today at